Understanding EXC_BAD_ACCESS(转)

Understanding EXC_BAD_ACCESS


A couple of days ago, I wrote about how to debug a crash that reports EXC_BAD_ACCESS. One thing I didn’t cover is what EXC_BAD_ACCESS means, which I’ll try to do now, as it will clear up a lot of the questions I’m getting about the previous blog.

The description here is a high-level way of thinking about it. The details are quite a bit more complicated, so I’m simplifying it.

On the iPhone (and most modern OS’s), your application is given memory as you need it. The memory is given in chunks that are bigger than your request, and then the unused parts are parceled out over the next few requests.

When you deallocate an object, that chunk can’t be returned to the OS right away. It has to wait until all of the memory in the chunk is deallocated.

Inside all of this memory is a complex data structure that is maintained by the alloc and dealloc messages to organize how each part of the allocated memory is being used. The pointers you hold are just part of that datastructure (where the object is), there are other parts that are only used by the allocator.

What EXC_BAD_ACCESS is saying is that you did something that caused a pointer (yours, one internal to the iPhone, or one that the allocator is using) to be dereferenced and that memory location isn’t inside one of the chunks assigned to your program.

This could be because

  1. The pointer used to point to memory that was ok, but its chunk was deallocated.
  2. The pointer is corrupt.

The line of code that your app crashes on is not the root cause of the problem. The problem in #1 is whatever line of code caused the premature deallocation, and the problem in #2 is whatever line of code corrupted the pointer.

Your goal in debugging this is to make the problem line of code be flagged by either the compiler or debugger.

If you do that, then fixing it becomes a lot easier.

Of the two possible problems, #1 is far easier to find. It’s almost definitely because you didn’t use retain/release correctly and there where either too many releases or too few retains.

Do this:

  1. Run Build and Analyze. Make sure you fix or understand every single error it flags. I personally have 0 Build and Analyze errors in every project I have and I go out of my way to keep it that way. If I ever get a false positive, I figure out how to make Build and Analyze understand what is going on, so that it doesn’t flag it.
  2. Run scan-build with all checks on. This isn’t built in, so if you’re in a hurry, skip this for now. scan-build is the project that Build and Analyze is based on. It can be run with much more thorough settings.
  3. Set up Xcode so that it never deallocates. Instead, it turns objects into Zombies that complain if they are used. See Tip #1 on this post for instructions.
    If you have a clean Build and Analyze and no Zombies complain of being accessed, and you still get EXC_BAD_ACCESS, then it’s a good bet that you are not accessing deallocated memory. It’s not a sure bet, because the iPhone SDK gives you access to the C library which uses a different kind of allocation, which you could be using wrong.

For #2, your task is harder. If a pointer is corrupt, there are lots of possible reasons

  1. The pointer could have never been initialized.
  2. The pointer could have been accidentally written over because you overstepped the bounds of an array
  3. The pointer could be part of an object that was casted incorrectly, and then written to
  4. Any of the above could have corrupted a different pointer that now points at or near this pointer, and using that one corrupts this one (and so on)

If this is the situation you are in, then these are the things that will help

  1. Enable Guard Malloc (Tip #2) – this makes the datastructure that represents the allocations much more sensitive to corruption. You need to use the enhanced features of the debugger to get anything out of it (explained in the tip).
  2. The line of code that triggers the crash is a clue to what pointer is corrupt. If you move it around it might be able to help you narrow down the point of corruption.
  3. If all else fails and you are desperate, try Valgrind.

Once one of these methods gives you a different problem (either a warning or another EXC_BAD_ACCESS), don’t worry that it seems completely unrelated to your original problem — that’s a common problem with corruption.

Also, random changes to your program may make this problem “go away” — it’s not really fixed, though. Your corruption or early deallocation is still there, but it’s not triggering an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Its effects could be far worse, however, so it’s a good idea to try to keep reproducing it until you are sure you addressed the problem.

Things to remember

  1. Corrupting a pointer doesn’t immediately trigger EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Neither does using a corrupted pointer unless it’s specifically now pointing to memory that isn’t mapped to your application.
  2. Deallocating an object doesn’t immediately release the memory to the operating system — only when the chunk is unused, can it be returned.
  3. The line of code that is triggering the EXC_BAD_ACCESS might not be the problem. It can be a good clue, but don’t assume the problem is this code.